Can you ever leave a practice that you love?

Six years ago I announced my retirement and moved away to be closer to my family. But how could I leave the reiki practice that I loved?

One night during the quiet hours of contemplating that question, I thought I heard the universe laugh as I learned my grandson broke his arm playing basketball at school. Quick. Do reiki while the surgeon puts his bone back where it belongs.

Then it stood in anticipation when the call came informing me of a dear friend-of-the-family’s recent stroke. And I began hours of reiki towards his recovery journey.

I heard a little giggle after I tripped on an uneven sidewalk in the dark in the rain and fractured my wrist. Lots of self reiki was administered during that time.

I’m sure it was shaking its head, when Covid arrived and reiki was needed for all my family at one time or another over the next two years, both in-person and remotely.

Not to mention all the bumps, bruises, coughs, and fevers that come with school age children. I was certainly busy practicing the thing I retired from.

With a move back to San Diego a year ago, I wondered if I should/could revise my practice here once more. I wasn’t interested in having a full-time business, but I knew I had to do the work. It seemed every time I questioned this, the phone would ring, or an email would arrive asking if I’m doing sessions? Teaching? Holding group practice? Reiju (Jikiden Reiki Initiations)? Coffee dates?

I am doing it all. Although this time serving others more organically (as the need arises) and holding small group Shoden and Okuden trainings quarterly.

And last I checked, the universe was sitting back and smiling.

New Practice Name: Jikiden Reiki with LGeorge

I can be reached at or follow me on Instagram

2015 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 850 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 14 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

an ending

iStock_000044305246MediumWhile my work is amazingly rewarding, sometimes it involves loss. This past year two souls touched my heart, and then left without saying good-bye.

Etsuko, my Shihan sister. We shared a respect of each other’s contribution to the spread of Jikiden Reiki, support of its practice, the love of the children we bore and raised into adulthood, and the lives we lived over the years with no judgment. We anchored each side of the Pacific. An ocean apart. A culture away. A fast-found-friendship that surprised us both. And now I, left to bare the loss, of what might have been between two women speaking truths over private messages on Facebook. Sharing stories and feelings and giving and getting unedited words on a page, raw and real. Always based in unspoken love and kindness. I feel your loss in my life, and in my heart. I will miss you always.

Julia, the little spirit girl. You came gently into my life, a joy in your parent’s eyes. Excited for your arrival. Loving you dearly along the way. My Reiki hands held above you making the connection. Sharing hello. One month, two months, three months. The wait seems long. Then no more. The circle of life. It contains many lessons. Some we recognize, some to be realized later, in the quiet pauses of our soul. Changing lives.  Your sweetness, always remembered.

My teacher says there is no loss, only love.

I must agree, on both accounts.

Reiki? Where’s the proof?

A clear explanation of Jikiden Reiki written by a colleague in Scotland.

Simply Jikiden Reiki


I recently published an interview with Tadao Yamaguchi and introduced it to the Reiki community by promising rare insight into traditional Japanese Reiki. One of the readers found themselves disappointed, as, like so many articles on Reiki, we had offered no proof or supporting evidence of what Reiki is. The following is my attempt at an answer to this reader’s questions:

So what is Reiki, and where is the evidence?

To answer simply, Reiki is a natural healing system using touch created by Mikao Usui in 1920s Japan after he had achieved an experience of enlightenment, and crafted from extensive, deep knowledge of various traditions. Priding himself in the simplicity of his healing system, Usui sensei deliberately chose elements that would result in a healing modality easy to learn by anyone (and not forcing them to adopt elaborate spiritual systems or beliefs).

As to proof of what Reiki really is, we cannot offer…

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10 Easy Steps to Turn Competition into Cooperation for a Successful Reiki Practice

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All of us have heard “If you change your thoughts and you can change you life”. It’s big picture stuff. Or is it? Can just one thought be the magic bullet and change everything? Maybe, but usually we have multiple spiraling thoughts that contribute to our actions. So I decided I would start with what I know best, a Reiki practice. Over the past 11 years I have either witnessed or had first hand experience with stuck competitive thinking.

This is no namby-pamby, touchy-feely article encouraging peace, love, and hugs. It is 10 suggestions on how you can open your business to growth through cooperative action. For each one of the competitive thoughts, I present corresponding-cooperating ideas that can help change your life. Or in this case, your practice.

1- These are my clients

Get to know and trust another Practitioner. One you could recommend to your clients when you are out of town. Emergencies come up. Your clients will have more respect for you-putting their needs before your own ego.

2 -My Reiki is better than yours

Perhaps it is. And if it is then no need for comparison.

If you feel someone else is better than you, then like Avis . . . “Try Harder”. Practice. (Okay to compete here-but only with yourself.)

3- It’s them against me

Support other Reiki Practitioners –be an ambassador for the modality, it’s still developing in the mainstream as an alternative option.

4- Clawing my way to the top

Adopt the Reiki Principles into your life. Enough said.

5- It has to be me, just me

Plan an event with other Practitioners that touches more people than if you did it by yourself. Sometimes bigger is better.

6- That’s not legal

If someone gets caught with hands in the cookie jar- the public may think you are also guilty. Share business building information. A strong Reiki presence, built on integrity, in a community, will always help your business flourish

7- Envy is ugly

Celebrate other Practitioner’s success, and mentor your own students to achievement. They will be grateful and speak highly of you to others.

8- Coming from lack – clients

Know there is a limitless amount of clients

9- Coming from lack -students

Know there is a limitless amount of students

10- They’re not playing nice

Choose your playmates and know that others may not be ready to play. Seek out those who are. Remain in your integrity. It’s a magnet for good.