Reiki Principles to the Rescue!


Kyo Dake Wa

The latest news in the Reiki community has been the introduction of Holy Fire Reiki by William Rand of the ICRT. While I have been known to both resist or embrace change, this redefining the Reiki I learned, and taught, had presented an opportunity to put the Reiki Principles into practice.

Since hearing about this, I’ve experienced, and also witnessed from several Usui/Tibetan trained Reiki Masters, confusion, anger and frustration. A surprise to us all, it felt like abandonment, or betrayal to the school of Reiki that had held our loyalty. It questions our integrity as Reiki Masters. What was true, is no longer. Symbols retired, techniques streamlined. Where do we go from here? And what of the students we had already attuned and taught ART, Master and Karuna?

What do I say to them? What do I say to the students and Masters I fostered into Reiki or befriended along the way? I found the answer in the Reiki Principles.

Kyo dake wa  just for today . . .

Ikaruna do not be angry. Decide to step aside from your ego. Words like “how dare they” or “what about me” serve no one. A global decision was made that affects you and your business. Now a personal decision must follow. Step away from anger. Continue forward. Continue to extend yourself to others with the love that exists in your heart and in your hands. Continue to support your students with the same level of respect and compassion you always have. This part has not changed.

Shi pai suna do not be worried. You are Reiki to your students. The integrity of your business is based on your actions. Come from strength not worry. You have been given a choice. Teach what you know with the available materials, design your own class, follow this new way, or follow traditional Japanese Jikiden Reiki. Be open and communicative and let everyone know what is next for you and for them.

Kan sha shite be grateful. Change is difficult for all of us at one time or another. If we let go and openly accept what comes next, your life will continue to unfold, as is necessary for growth. Welcome the change and be grateful. You may decide to pursue Holy Fire Reiki, or finally create that manual that really works for you in your classes, or find another school of Reiki that resonates with you on a deep, spiritual level.

Gyo-o hageme do your duties fully. As a Reiki Master, you are responsible for your students. For their encouragement, support, and guidance in all things Reiki. While you may feel these changes have been done to you, don’t make it an event for your students. Gently guide them into their next step. Set an example of grace and acceptance.

Hito ni shinsetsu ni be kind to others. When you talk about these changes to your students, be kind. Be on your path. Stay centered and well. Help others by using kind words and actions. And if some of your students decide to follow Holy Fire Reiki without you, don’t take it personal. They are following their path. Give them a hug, and then quietly step aside. Reiki is a big world, and we touch each other and people we know, and people who know us. Continue to touch with kindness in your heart, because it comes back to you in the most beautiful ways.

Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to illuminate the world. ~ Oprah Winfrey

Your Reiki light shines bright. Let’s continue to stand together in the light that we are, holding each other’s Reiki hand.