dare I say? there is no unity with Jikiden Reiki

iStock_000001402830Large - Version 2Or combining of Reiki schools. Or sharing techniques outside of a seminar.

Surfacing recently, a Western Reiki article calling for unity in Reiki; a Western Reiki Master video with an ending prayer suggesting the same; and posts of Western Reiki specific articles and events on Jikiden Reiki sites.

Jikiden Reiki is separate by definition. It is Reiki teaching direct from Chijuro Hayashi sensei as he learned from Mikao Usui sensei. Usui sensei called his form of Reiki Usui Reiki Ryoho (Usui healing method) for a reason. He wanted to differentiate it from all other Reiki healing methods that were being done at that time. He did not learn this from someone else. Nor study for years. He achieved a state of enlightenment and the healing was his gift.

Who are we to diminish his intention?

Jikiden Reiki is non-inclusive. It is original, authentic, and kept separate on purpose – to safeguard the purity of the teaching and practice.

The original concepts and techniques still hold their Japanese roots. It is a powerful practice, both physically and spiritually (not religious, but personal spiritual growth for the dedicated practitioner). It’s allure and attraction is this: Real information and hard facts, backed by original writings, photos, historical events, documents, and the gifts from Japanese culture.

Jikiden Reiki web sites on Facebook, Twitter, and personal .coms, need to support the continuation of this difference.

Jikiden Reiki is never homogenized. Reiki Share meetings are for Jikiden Reiki Practitioners and teachers only (except for public information meetings) as defined by the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai.

As a Western Reiki Master, and Jikiden Reiki Shihan, we have an obligation to take care of our students properly. Holding exclusive Reiki Shares for each group insures lines are clear and techniques and information sharing can be done openly. And posting Western Reiki activities and events separate from Jikiden Reiki will lessen the confusion created by erroneously melding of the two.

Be deliberate in your practice. Whichever one you do.

choice review

Soon I will be traveling to study again with one of my teachers. He has travelled across an ocean and the width of a continent, I will travel across two states.

outfit for travelThis is what I know:

When your mentor, teacher, or your teacher’s teacher comes to town – you show up.

You show up for the blessing, support, connection, and guidance.

You show up even when the teaching is the same.

Because you are different – from one visit to the next.

A course review is an opportunity to make minor adjustments to the understanding of a technique, cultural concept, or historical fact. A place to continue to explore and expand your potential as a practitioner, a teacher, a function-in-a-modern-world spiritual being. An invitation to develop a better connection to the roots of the practice.

In the western world we accumulate degrees, credentials, credits, and paper statements of attendance and course completion. Then are left on our own to “practice”. Course adjustments come from the mistakes we make in the field. With no real guidance, we can only decide to do somethings different next time.

Spending a few days with my teachers each year seems the better choice of the two.

My teachers, Tadao Yamaguchi and Frank Arjava Petter travel to the U.S. to lecture on Jikiden Reiki. Reiki For Wellness presents the Annual Jikiden Reiki Seminar in San Diego, with visiting guest, Frank Arjava Petter each Spring.